Doctrines of the Faith: Saved From What?

I remember an evangelist who told the story of being in the Miami, Florida area to do a revival. He and the local pastor were driving around inviting people to the revival and witnessing to anyone who would listen. They found themselves in a very affluent neighborhood with massive houses and expensive cars. They spied a man out in his front yard and stopped to visit. After speaking to him of the need for salvation, the man spread his arms in a grand gesture of all he owned and said, “Saved from what?” Then he dismissed them with a laugh. That man was Jackie Gleason – famed radio, television, and movie star.
I am sure you know John 3:16. It reveals the heart of the gospel: God loves sinners. But Jesus also said: “Whoever does not believe [in Him] stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (v. 18). Here’s the rest of the story (nod to Paul Harvey). God sent His Son because all of mankind is condemned because of sin. Not because of our sinful actions, but because sin is the human condition since the fall. We’re not sinners because we sin – we sin because we’re sinners. It’s not just what we do – it’s who we are. The destiny of all people is eternal condemnation – the wrath of God. Unless we believe in Jesus – and then our destiny is eternal life. That is what Paul means when he says: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
Hebrews continues the thought saying, “You have come . . . to the spirits of righteous men made perfect” – just as we will one day be. “You have come to Jesus . . .” Just stop right here and rest a moment in that statement. That changes everything. “You have come to Jesus – the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel” (v. 24). The new covenant is a covenant of mercy – of a love that saves through holy blood that was shed, not from jealousy and rage, but from divine providence. Abel’s blood brought about a curse on Cain. Jesus’ blood brings salvation from the curse of sin for everyone who believes.

Of Doctrine and Demons and Truth

Paul wrote to Timothy, “Watch your life and doctrine closely” (1 Tim 4:16). Doctrine at its root is teaching – imparting information from one person to another. That’s my calling. But I’m not just teaching history or mythology or fantasy – it is truth. It is the Word of God. And it has the power to change lives. That is why I handle it with the utmost care. It is a huge responsibility.
There are a lot of teachers out there who will try to tell you what the Bible says. I’ve sat under some excellent teachers and some not-so-great teachers. Some teach from a classroom or a lectern, and some teach with their lives. Some teach by being godly examples and some teach us by being examples of what not to do or be.
Did you know that the devil has teachers too? Paul also told Timothy, “In later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (v. 1). You’d better believe demons are teachers too. But they don’t always teach in direct opposition to the Scriptures. They often teach in shades of truth. They will take just enough of the Scriptures to make it sound right, then twist it to get you off track.
For example, the culture’s favorite verse is “Do not judge” (Matt 7:1). But they do not understand the context. Jesus is speaking in the sense of condemning people – judging them unworthy of God’s grace. But He affirms “judgment” in terms of discernment. Like helping a brother remove the speck of dust in their eye (after clearing out our own). He says we do not throw sacred truth to dogs or pearls to pigs (v. 6). That is a judgment call. A few verses later, He said we are to be “fruit inspectors” (v. 15-120). He is calling us to wise discernment.
They also love verses about loving others. But they don’t understand that the most loving thing we can do is warn them about the coming wrath of God against those who do not believe in His Son. Humans want love, but the culture demands permissiveness in the guise of love. If my granddaughter wants to play in the busy road does love mean I let her go or I protect her from harm?
Do you see why I am such a stickler for careful Bible study and true doctrine? What you believe, what you think you know, affects how you live – and it affects your eternal security. Be wise, Beloved, only the truth will set you free.

Acts: What the World Doesn’t Want to Hear

Do you know why the world is filled with such hatred toward Christians? Because we are a constant reminder of their unrighteousness. I know how judgmental that sounds, and believe me, that’s not my intent. But it is the truth. And let’s be honest, some “Christians” leave a very bitter taste in people’s mouths – but I am talking about Christians who talk the talk and walk the walk as they follow in Jesus’ footprints. People like Paul. Please take a minute to read Acts 24:24-27. Remember that Paul is in custody in Caesarea, awaiting trial for accusations brought by his fellow Jews. Because of an encounter with Jesus, Paul’s life had radically changed and he devoted himself to preaching the gospel – and living it out.
Felix, who would decide his fate, found Paul’s testimony intriguing. One day he brought his wife, who was also a Jew, to hear the man speak. His topic, “righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come” stirred fear in Felix’s heart. Wonder why? Probably because his wife, Drusilla, who was a strikingly beautiful woman had, at the age of fourteen, been married to Azizus, the king of a small, insignificant Syrian state. She was unhappy in her marriage, and Felix, who was captured by her beauty, wooed her away from her husband and married her when she was sixteen. Scholars contend that she was the likely source of Felix’s information about “the Way,” and probably requested the private meeting with Paul. Little did she or Felix know what was to come.
Was Paul pointing his finger at their sin? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Felix was afraid and quickly dismissed Paul. Therein lies the animosity towards Christians. Paul broached the subject of righteousness, self-control, and judgment – all things a ruler who stole another man’s wife – and a sinful world – would rather not confront. Christians who speak about righteousness shine a blinding light on sin. And we don’t even have to say a word. Believers who live righteously are offensive to the world because their lives stand in sharp contrast to the darkness and wickedness of their own.
Did you notice Felix’s response to Paul’s words? “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.” Those who are lost in sin only want God when it is convenient for them. If it ever is.
Don’t let the world squelch your message of righteousness – whether spoken or lived out. Beloved, shine your light.

Fruit Inspector

If Christianity isn’t about behavior, why does our behavior matter so much? Paul said, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious . . .” (Gal 5:19), and he listed several: sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, drunkenness, orgies, and the like. But he also included some we might not expect, like hatred, discord, jealousy, rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, and factions (vs. 19-21). What does that mean?
If you claim to be a Christian, but you indulge in porn, someone will likely question your claim. If you profess to be a Christian, but profanity spews out of your mouth, others are going to doubt you. If you tell your friends that you’re a Christian, but you’re always stirring up arguments, they are going to find it hard to believe you. If you can sing the old hymns or the latest Christian songs, but you lie and deceive, your songs also lie. If you are in church on Sunday morning and are yelling at everyone in your house by Sunday evening, your family will wonder why you bother to go to church at all. If money is your passion and you step on others to climb the ladder, your actions – not your claims – tell the truth about you.
But the converse is also true. If you claim to be a Christian and you are kind and patient with your elderly, grouchy neighbor, your neighbor will tend to believe you. If you say you are a Christian and you strive for peace, your co-workers are more apt to agree. If you go to church on Sunday morning and are still full of joy on Thursday, if moral goodness marks your life, if you’re gentle in word and action, if you bring peace instead of strife wherever you go, if you are loving and faithful to your spouse – your family members will trust you and they will trust what you say about this Jesus you claim to follow.
Paul said our actions reveal our true nature. You either confirm or refute your testimony by how you live. The proof – the fruit as he said in v. 22 – reveals the true condition of your soul. Mind you, I am not judging anyone – that’s not my place. But Jesus said we should be fruit inspectors. And yes, I see some bad apples in my own life. No, this is not about behavior modification, this is about your eternal destiny because Paul also said that “those who live like this [the first paragraph] will not inherit the kingdom of God” (v. 21). Check your fruit. What is true about your life Beloved? What is true about your soul?

Piddles and Pankins and the Doctrines of the Faith

Joy loves to play doctor’s office and Nana is her favorite patient. She takes my temperature, looks in my ears, listens to my heart, checks my reflexes, and even examines my teeth. She also usually gives me a shot. Lately, she prescribed me piddles. I thought that was what puppies do, but I was wrong. Piddles, in her medical practice, are what the rest of us call pills. It was one of her malaprops. I thought it was so cute that I didn’t correct her. I love her tangled-up words like pankins for pancakes and Honey School for Sunday School. I know that one day she will learn the correct words, but for now they are harmless so I let her hang onto them as long as she wants.
But there are some things that she – and all of us – need to get right. They are theological and doctrinal truths that carry a tremendous amount of weight. They make up Christianity’s core and all other truths are derived from them. If we get them wrong, everything else is wrong too. And therein lies great danger. If we do not correct the misunderstandings and errors concerning these issues the consequences will be most severe and eternal.
They raise questions about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, man, sin, salvation, the gospel, the Bible, the church, the Christian life, resurrection, eternal life, the Kingdom of God, heaven and hell, and more. They are “spine issues” because, like humans, a healthy spine is vital for a healthy body. A broken spine leads to paralysis and even death. In many ways, the church’s spine is near the breaking point because we have drifted from biblical truth and embraced error and dangerous false teaching We are weakening her spine – and her witness. The church is unable (or unwilling) to fulfill the great commission because her people are paralyzed by false doctrine.
Paul warned Timothy, “Watch your life and doctrine closely” (1 Tim 4:16). It is wise counsel we need to heed. He said, “In later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (4:1). “They will gather around themselves a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear” (2 Tim 4:3).
God has impressed on my heart to dedicate Sunday’s devotionals to studying the core doctrines of Christianity. No more piddles or pankins Beloved. Get ready to strengthen your spine with the truth.

And If He Does Not . . .

Three Hebrew youths stood before Nebuchadnezzar. They had refused to bow before the King’s statue even though every other official in Babylon had put their faces to the dirt in homage to ninety feet of gold. They knew that the penalty for their actions was certain death. But what the king was asking would compromise their devotion to the God of Israel. And they would not.
Nebuchadnezzar gave them one more chance to obey his edict and bow down. “But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace.” And he added an ironic punch line: “Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?” (Dan 3:15).
“Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego replied to the king, ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to rescue us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand.’” (v. 16-17). What confidence! What faith! I want a faith like that.
Yet – they gave room for God to be God. They said, “But even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (v. 18). They believed and trusted God, but they did not demand God to act in their favor. And if He chose not to, they would not cease to worship Him, even to their dying breath.
Decisions are going to be made today that will greatly impact my family – especially someone I love with all my heart. I have prayed for God’s favor. and I am trusting Him for the outcome, believing He can “turn the heart of the king” (Prov 21:1). But if He does not . . .
I will still trust Him. I will still believe in His faithfulness. I will still worship and serve Him. I will still teach His Word. I will still give my heart and life to Him. I will still believe that He is good. Oh, it will hurt, but I will still declare that He is God – my God – and that His judgments are right. You see, in all my prayers I have prayed most earnestly for His will – His good, pleasing, and perfect will (Rom 12:2). And if His will is not my will – He is still God. My holy, heavenly Father. And hers.

Advent 2023: Joseph: A Man of Mercy

In the telling of the Christmas story, Joseph, the earthly “stepfather” of Jesus doesn’t get much attention. Little is recorded about him other than he was a carpenter by trade (Matthew 13:55) and a descendant of David (John 2:4). But I learned something recently about him that had previously escaped my attention in the rush to get to the birth story.

“This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly” (Matthew 1:18-19).

In the eyes of the Jewish community, Mary had committed a grievous sin – conceiving a child as an unmarried woman with someone other than her betrothed. According to the religious law, the “righteous” thing to do was to “bring her to the door of her father’s house and there the men of the town shall stone her to death” (Deuteronomy 22:21). Instead, Joseph chose to handle the situation quietly to spare her from disgrace and punishment. And because he acted mercifully, God, through the pen of Matthew, declared Joseph “a righteous man.”

Jesus esteemed mercy; He said the merciful will be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7) and declared that God “desires mercy, not sacrifice” (Matthew 12:8). His brother James proclaimed, “Mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13). I think, sometimes the church has it backward. Much like the Jewish religious leaders, we think that righteousness means always doing the right thing; Joseph shows us that righteousness is doing the Jesus thing – showing mercy. After all, that is the heart of the Christmas story: God’s love poured out in mercy to sinners like you and me through Jesus Christ.

This Christmas season, is there someone in your life who needs mercy – someone who needs love? I know this theme is playing itself out in my own family right now. It will be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done, but it is the Jesus thing. Let’s commit to being righteous people – let’s be people of mercy.

Advent 2023: Emmanuel – God With Us

“They will call Him Emmanuel, which means, ‘God with us’” (Matthew 1:23).

It is a promise I have held to through this difficult year.  God’s presence has given me strength day by day and bolstered my faith. But to truly understand the name and its significance, we have to go back to Exodus, to the most incredible statement by God: “Have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” (Exodus 25:9).  Pagan gods did not dwell with human beings; they were far too important to be bothered with mortals and their petty lives.  But the God who created, sustained, and ruled over all things wanted to dwell with His people – first in a tabernacle and then in the temple. 

Until their idolatry and sin became unbearable and God said, “Enough” and withdrew His presence.  Ezekiel records the terrible sight of the cloud of His presence drawing up and away. Shortly afterward the people were taken into exile and the temple was destroyed.  And though it was rebuilt when the exiles returned to Jerusalem, the Lord’s presence did not return.

Until the angel visited a carpenter, betrothed to a young woman, and proclaimed the return of Immanuel.  Joseph would instinctively know what this name meant – God with us.  God came once again to dwell among men – this time as a human baby born to peasant parents and laid in a feeding trough for animals.  The name “Emmanuel” recalls the glorious presence of God in the midst of His people.  But not just in the temple.  No, this time Emmanuel would walk among them, eat with them, touch them with human hands – and die for them.  God had been absent and silent for hundreds of years, but now He had returned to His people.

Emmanuel is still present with His people today.  He is present in the Holy Spirit that dwells in every believer.  He is present in our worship.  He is present when we pray.  He is present when we rustle the pages of the Bible.  He is present when we reach out to touch a suffering soul with His love.  He is present in holy, divine moments and in the everyday events of our lives.  Because He is Emmanuel, He is always present. Because He is God with us, we are never alone.

Advent 2023: What Do You Know About Baby Jesus?

The day my granddaughter was born we made the four-hour drive to see her. Our son sent us pictures and all her vital statistics as we traveled – how much she weighed, how long she was, and the fact that she was completely bald. That’s the important stuff new grandparents need to know.

But what do we know about Jesus? The Bible doesn’t give us any of those vital statistics. We don’t even know the date of his birth. This is stuff we (women especially) want to know. Let’s see if the Scripture gives us any hints.

Even though we celebrate December 25th as the date of Jesus’ birth, the Bible is silent on the actual date. The early church did not observe the birth of Jesus choosing instead to emphasize His death and resurrection. In fact, the church eschewed the Roman tradition of celebrating birthdays as an act of paganism. By the late second century, the church began considering the birth of Jesus as worthy of notice, but it wasn’t until the mid-fourth century that Roman calendars marked December 25th with natus Christus in Betleem Judeae: “Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea.” Yet the Bible does tell us the date from heaven’s perspective: “When the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman . . .” (Gal 4:4). Jesus was born “in the fullness of time” – the very day that God predetermined according to His plan for the ages. And here’s a head’s up for you: it’s the same day that the Lord will return.

The Bible also tells us how much Jesus weighed. Not with pounds and ounces. The writer of Hebrews said, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being . . .” (Heb 1:3). God’s glory would be expressed in Hebrew by the word kabod.  They would immediately get an image of a set of scales used to determine the value of an item based on its weight. The glory – or kabod – of God described the weight of His majesty and splendor. Yet somehow He was light enough for His mother to hold Him in her arms.

While there is much about Jesus we’re not told, what we do know is cause for worship. He was the babe in the manger and the very representation of God. He is heaven come to earth, the Son of God, and our Savior forever. Beloved, that is enough, for you to bow your knee.

From Babylon to The Rock

Ever been lost? I never had a good sense of direction – my mom said you could take me in the backyard and spin me around twice and I couldn’t find my way back to the house. She wasn’t wrong. One day I was leaving a church in an unfamiliar area and made a left out of the parking lot when I should have turned right. By the time I realized my mistake I was deeply lost and scared. I sat in my car and cried and prayed and the Lord gave me turn-by-turn instructions until I was back to familiar territory. In my ABCs of gratitude, G always includes my GPS.

There have also been times when I lost my way spiritually; when I forgot (or ignored) God’s Word and took a wrong path or followed the wrong person or chased after my own desires. Sometimes it was an honest misstep. Sometimes it was my own willful defiance. Whatever the reason, by the time I realized I was in a bad place, I didn’t know how to get out. Perhaps that sounds familiar to you. Maybe it’s your current situation. You said “yes” when you should have said “no.” You turned in the wrong direction. You trusted the wrong person. You stamped your feet and said, “I will do what I want!” And now you are stuck in the consequences.

I have a good word for us both. Micah was God’s prophet to both Israel and Judah. He prophesied the fall of both kingdoms under the Lord’s judgment for the people’s rebellion, idolatry, and unfaithfulness. And he also prophesied God’s rescue and restoration for Judah. The Lord said, “You will go to Babylon; there you will be rescued. There the Lord will redeem you . . .” (Mic 4:10).

The Bible is one long and beautiful account of God’s redemption. First, He redeems us out of condemnation through the blood of His Son. Then He redeems us out of our own personal Babylons – those places we go when we get lost in sin and indulgence and foolishness. David wrote, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (Ps 40:2). Beloved, wherever you are God will rescue you. It’s what He loves to do. From Babylon to The Rock.