
Oh the sweetness of a mother with her baby – thirty plus years later and I can still vividly remember the quiet love that washed over me like a tidal wave when they placed my son in my arms. But he had only one thing in mind – his craving for nourishment. He wanted to eat! Every mom knows that infants will sound the alarm when the first pangs of hunger hit. Mom fills the baby’s empty tummy, and for a season that is all the child knows of her. She is the one who meets his needs. But children grow and the relationship grows with it. The baby soon discovers that Mom is more than a place to eat.
David wrote, “I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me” (Ps 131:2). This is a picture of the child who is past the craving stage; he no longer sees his mother as just a source of food. She is a person to enjoy, a person who loves him. Now he can be content just being in her presence without making demands of her. He still calls for her when he has a need, and he will frequently glance back at her to make sure she is still there and is satisfied to see her nearby.
Are you content simply being in the Father’s presence? Or do you still regard Him as a means to fill your wants and needs? Those who are most satisfied in their relationship with God are the ones who have learned to enjoy Him for who He is. Yes, they trust Him to meet their needs as they come. But He is so much more than a solution to their problems. More and more the Lord is teaching me to love Him for who He is, not just for what He can do for me.
Can you sit with Him in the quiet and just enjoy the privilege? God is able and willing to meet your needs – and your greatest need is Him. Beloved, won’t you come a sit a while with your Father?

For the Weary Warrior

This year has seen my family shatter and Joy unexpectedly taken several hours away from home. It has been a year of grief, conflict, tension, brokenness, and isolation. It has worn me down. My body is tired of carrying so much tension. My brain is tired of jumping through all the legal hoops. My heart is tired of sorting through the emotional aftermath. My spirit is tired of . . . well, my spirit is just tired. The enemy has been telling me I just need to quit – to shut myself up in a room, lick my wounds, and put it all away. In other words, to give up. I’m not going to lie – it has been tempting.
But the Spirit keeps bringing one verse to mind: Paul wrote, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Gal 6:9). The word “weary” means be so exhausted as to lose courage. Notice it doesn’t say, “don’t admit that you’re tired.” It just says, “don’t give up. Because God is faithful.
I ran across this today in my Facebook memories and it explained so much about the past year and about what I am feeling. It was written by Francis Frangipane of In Christ’s Image Training Ministry. “There are times when we face extended spiritual conflict. We fight, endure, and finally prevail. Yet remember: our enemy is a “thief” (Jn 10:10). You may be so relieved that your main battle is over that you fail to notice your joy is gone. The obvious fight has been won but in your weariness your peace was depleted. Therefore, routinely take inventory of your soul. Wait before the Lord and listen. Make sure the thief hasn’t stolen any of the fruit the Holy Spirit has been cultivating in your heart — that your “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” are all functional and growing in you (Gal 5:22-23).” –
Paul and Francis are both right. We can’t give up. But we can rest. There is too much at stake to throw up our hands and throw away our peace and Joy and hope. I’m going to take the summer off from school and I’m going to enjoy every minute I get to spend with my girl. I going to let the Spirit of Christ nurture my spirit. I might even clean up my house. But I will not give up.
Beloved, I don’t know what battles you’ve been fighting, but maybe it’s time to rest a spell. Let the God who loves you heal and refresh you. Just don’t give up.

Tips for Getting Spiritually Healthy

Confession time. I am overweight. I have diabetes and high blood pressure. It’s the bad health trifecta of the south. I gotta deal with this because I want to be here for Joy for the long haul. Recently, my health insurance offered a monitoring and support system for diabetics, and I signed up for it. They sent me a free glucose monitor, blood pressure monitor, and snazzy scale that automatically uploads the results to my cyber-file. They also offer consultants to help and encourage me. All this is great and I intend to utilize it. But they also want me to tell them what I’m eating. Um, that seems a little intrusive. I don’t want to have to admit to some of the stuff I consume. And I sure don’t want to give up my favorite snacks and treats. Sigh.
One of the most direct and practical books of the Bible is James. James (Jesus’ half-brother) was a no-nonsense kind of fellow. He did not believe His brother’s claims until His resurrection, and then he became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. His letter is filled with straightforward truth. He spoke of sin, bringing it right back to our own evil desires. He said, “Get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent . . .” (1:21); “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (1:22); “Keep yourself from being polluted by the world” (1:27). Over and over James got to the point of relationships, judgment and love, faith and deeds, taming the tongue, wisdom, submission, humility, arrogance, grumbling (ouch), perseverance, and being trustworthy. He also talked a lot about suffering for the cause of Christ – which he understood well as persecution against Christians started there with the mother church.
And then he said, “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other . . .” (5:16). Here’s the honest truth – there are things about me I don’t want you to know. Not salacious things, but human things – sinner-saved-by-grace things. But you probably deal with them too. And what if we did humbly confess our sins to one another? What if you and a brother or sister committed to prayer over a mutual struggle? James said, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
Beloved, I need you and you need me. We need to hold one another accountable and we need to hold each other up. Find someone you can trust to love you through the hard stuff. And love them back.

My Father God

When I pray, whether written or spoken, I use my favorite name for God: “Holy Father” (John 17:11). It comes from Jesus’ prayer just before his arrest. I love that name because it expresses the two most important aspects of who God is. Taken separately, each word speaks volumes.
“Holy” describes the highest moral quality, something or Someone set apart and sacred. I think of the Most Holy place in the Tabernacle where God dwelled among His people. It was a sacred space and entry by man was forbidden – except once a year and then only by the high priest who came to make sacrifices for the sins of the nation. A holy thing would never be used for common purposes by common people. The angels in Isaiah’s vision of God’s throne room constantly called out to one another, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty” (Is 6:3). Not just holy, but thrice holy.
“Father” is, of course, a male parent or significant leader to a family, a nation, or an individual. It is a title of honor and reverence. It is also a title of endearment – at least for some. My Dad and I didn’t have the best relationship when I was growing up and we were estranged for much of my adult life. (We did reconcile a few years before his death.) “Father” was not a warm fuzzy thought for me. But coming from the lips of Jesus, the affection was deep and sincere. Most Jews would not dare refer to God in such familiar ways. Remember He is holy – set apart from common, sinful people. But after His resurrection, Jesus told the disciples, “I am returning to my Father and your Father . . . (John 20:17). And He is our Father.
But together “Holy Father” serves as bookends with all the wonder and awe and majesty of God in between. And together they are the complete picture of this God who is both holy and dear, who both demands perfection and makes us perfect through the blood of His own Son. The words speak to my heart of a Father who will never wrong me, never leave me, never hurt me or shame me but will always love me with the holiest of love. With perfect love (1 John 4:18). Because He is a perfect Father (Matt 5:48).
Yes, “Holy Father” says it all.

Grown-Up Faith

There are some things I know by heart, like how to get to work, how to make a pot of coffee, how to work the washing machine, and how to fall asleep in my recliner. Then there are things I need some help with. When I want to make cornbread, I pull out my mom’s cookbook and turn to the splattered pages. When I am having trouble cyphering numbers, I grab my calculator and hope I enter the figures correctly. And when I am going somewhere I’ve never been I plug in my Garmin and let her guide me. I am not too prideful to ask for help when I need it. Especially with my walk with the Lord.
I used to think the more mature I was in my faith the less I would have to ask for God’s help. Like a child growing less and less dependent on his parents, I thought the point of the Christian life was to be able to stand on my own two feet spiritually. But the more I learn about being in relationship with God the more I realize that the most mature believers are the ones who depend on Him for everything. Mind you, that is “wisdom” that I’ve gained the hard way, by doing what I think is best and suffering the consequences.
I’m struck by Jesus’ words: “By myself I can do nothing . . .” (Jn 5:30). Jesus depended on His Father for wisdom and direction and power that came to Him via the Holy Spirit. Why do we think we can manage life on our own? I am proof that it isn’t so. I need Him every day, every hour, every minute. I need Him because I am weak and He is strong (2 Cor 12:10). I need Him because my wisdom is foolish (1 Cor 3:19). He is the source of true, heavenly wisdom (Jas 3:17). I need Him because I have a bent to sin and only He can rescue me from my sin nature (Rom 7:24-25). I need Him because I can’t see past the moment or the next curve and He sees the end from the beginning (Is 46:10). I need Him because I am prone to wander and lose my way. He is the voice in my ear saying “This is the way, walk in it” (Is 30:21).
The sign of spiritual maturity is leaning on God. Beloved, you will never outgrow your need for your Heavenly Father – and that’s just fine with Him.

Church History: No Islands in the Body of Christ

My Granddaughter Joy at “Honey School” photo by Wanda Battles Williams at Rehobeth Baptist Church, Rehobeth Alabama.

Paul – persecutor-turned-proclaimer – caused quite a stir. The Jews were perplexed by him – and angry with – him. He “baffled the Jews in Damascus” with his message, “proving that Jesus is the Christ” (Acts 9:22). They plotted to kill Paul, but his friends helped him escape by way of a basket. The Christians in Jerusalem did not trust him and refused to welcome him into their fellowship. He was an island unto himself. Nobody wanted to associate with him. Until a trusted member of the Jerusalem congregation, Barnabas – whose name meant “Encourager,” came to his side and his defense. The brothers in Jerusalem gladly received him and once again rescued him from the threat of death.
Paul and Barnabas would log many miles together as missionary-sojourners. When they parted ways – not so amicably (Acts 15:36-41) – Paul took Silas as his ministry partner. All along the way, Paul gathered people to join him in his work. Timothy, Lydia, Priscilla and Aquila, and Titus were his closest companions. His ministry team also included Erastus (Acts 19:22), Gaius and Aristarchus from Macedonia (Acts 19:29), Sopater of Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus of Thessalonica, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia (Acts 20:1–5). John Mark brought a great deal of anguish – and companionship to Paul’s life. A runaway slave was also a ministry partner with Paul – after he submitted to his master’s authority and approval (Philemon). Paul recognized many others who were an important part of his work in his letters.
What is the application of all of this? Paul started out as an island, but he didn’t stay that way. He needed Christian friends and companions and mentors and mentees and fellow servants of the Lord to grow in his faith and into his ministry. So do you and I. Even Jesus, the very Son of God, didn’t try to go it alone. When Christian leaders try to stand apart from others they almost always implode. Wisdom says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17). You and I cannot hone ourselves. We need people who can spot the dull places and help us reach our best selves.
I cannot imagine who I would be without godly friends and mentors, teachers, preachers, encouragers, challengers, and a few busy-bodies who told me what I didn’t want to hear. I also cannot imagine my life without those I have taught and mentored through the years. Beloved, you need godly people. And somebody needs you. Find your place in the chain of fellow believers.

Help Someone Find Heart

Joy – like most kids – parrots what she hears and copies what she sees, which is a huge wake-up call. I can always pinpoint who she has been spending time with the most by her attitude and personality. That’s not to say that I am always the model of sunshine and rainbows. On those days when she has pushed every button and stomped on my last nerve, I am not the paragon of patience. And it shows. In her.
Did you know that you have a great deal of influence on the people around you? I thought about that as I read in Deuteronomy this morning. Moses was retelling the story of Israel’s journey through the “vast and dreadful desert” (1:19) (There’s another devotional in the making.) to the Promised Land. When they reached the hill country of the Amorites, they sent twelve spies on ahead to scout out the land, discover the best route, and create a battle plan. They brought back glowing reports of the lush, fruitful vines – and terrifying reports of the people they would have to fight.
Moses reminded them of their rebellion – they refused to go on. Instead they “grumbled in [their] tents and said, ‘The Lord hates us; so He brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us.’” (1:27). Here’s what caught my attention: “Our brothers have made us lose heart” (1:28). Oh, what a telling statement. Even though Caleb and Joshua tried to encourage the people, ten of the twelve gave a negative, alarming report of giants versus grasshoppers. And the people soaked it all in.
Think about how the media always reports on crime and tragedies and crooked politicians and what is wrong in the world. Sure they may tack on a “feel-good” story at the end, but that does little to counteract all the discouragement they just dumped on us. Have you ever walked away from a news report feeling hopeful and positive? Me neither.
You and I are surrounded by family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, fellow students, our children’s teachers, and the list goes on and on. We don’t want to be the reason they lose heart. We want to be conduits of encouragement, comfort, hope, peace, Joy, and love. Especially love. Beloved, here’s a challenge for you: ask God to use you today to encourage and build up at least one person. Let’s be the one who helps them find heart. I’m starting today with you.

Church History: Why The Past Matters

I wish I had taken the time to get to know my parent’s pasts – their youth, their childhood, passions, interests, crucial points in their lives, and their relationships. I wish I had had the opportunity to interview my grandparents to know them better. But we didn’t live nearby (we were a military family) and I was caught up in my own life. We should want to know the lives of those we love. We should want to know our own history. Maybe that is why I am so passionate about the history of the Christian Church. I love the church, I have been in church since the cradle roll. I want to know the church’s story because the church has shaped my life.
We start today to study Christian History – the part that begins where Acts ends. The part that most Christians don’t know. But this is rich stuff and it has shaped the church you are part of today. It shaped this nation and the world for many years, although those years and lessons are a distant memory. The church has changed dramatically since Paul made his way to Rome – some changes were good, some not so much, but every change still echoes through the ages.
Why am I so taken with this stuff? Because – watch your toes – the current generations are ignorant of the history of their faith, and it shows. We are repeating the same mistakes our fathers and mothers made and we are falling prey to the same deceptions – albeit dressed in more modern fashions – that caused so much division and heartache in the past. Many of our current issues in the Christian faith have their roots in the past. But most of all, we know little to nothing about the heroes of our past. We have forgotten how these men and women stood firm against persecution and fought – and died – “for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Their examples should inspire and encourage us in these days when the church is being targeted. We need their resolve for the battle ahead.
There is a reason that Scripture tells us to “remember” – because forgetfulness is costly. We will study people and places and decisions and doctrine. We will feel the whips of persecution and the sting of tyranny. But we will also celebrate the overwhelming response of men and women who found faith in Christ worth living – and dying – for. Join me every Monday for this walk through history.

The Command of Love

I’m looking at the “Love Chapter” – 1 Corinthians 13 – Paul’s discourse on all things love. I realize that love, as the Bible defines it, is not something we are to seek – it is something we are to give. It is something we do, not something we demand. I cannot find one verse in all the Bible that tells me to spend my life looking for love. What I find is Jesus saying, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12). Did you know that this is the only time in the Gospels that Jesus prefaces His words with “This is my command . . .”? He said it two more times – in John 13:34 and 15:17. I believe He means it.
I’m reading Paul’s words and weighing my actions this week against them.
“Love is patient . . .” Well, I blew that one. Multiple times.
“Love is kind . . .” Not as much as I should have been.
“It does not envy . . .” Um, maybe I should stay off Facebook.
“It does not boast . . .” I got this one – I am proud of how humble I am!
“It is not rude . . .” I am a Southern woman; we are not rude – but we can be quite insistent.
“It is not self-seeking . . .” Sometimes we have to look out for ourselves, at least that is what modern psychology says, right?
“It is not easily angered . . .” Well, this is getting uncomfortable.
“It keeps no record of wrong . . .” Sigh.
“It does not delight in evil . . .” Whew! Finally, one I can claim.
“But rejoices with the truth . . .” Sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow.
“It always protects . . .” I do try to be a protector.
“Always trusts . . .” Ouch.
“Always hopes . . .” Lord, forgive me.
“Always perseveres . . .” I got nothing.
I clearly have a long way to go. But I found some good news. John wrote “Let us love one another, for love comes from God. We know and rely on the love God has for us” (1 Jn 4:7, 16). This is the only way we can obey Christ’s command. The love that Paul endorsed is holy, enduring, perfect love that comes from God alone through His Holy Spirit. When we are filled with God’s love first we become a conduit and it changes our hearts as it flows through us to others. And that, Beloved, is the kind of love that never fails.


This morning, I was listening to a song about heaven – “No More Night” by the incredible David Phelps, and the Lord pricked my spirit and said, “Tell them what is to come.”
In heaven there is no more night and no more pain and no more sadness, grief, or shame (Rev. 21:4). There is no fear or anxiety. There is no cancer or heart disease or paralysis or diabetes. In heaven there is no abuse or war or anger or evil of any kind (v. 8, 27).
My knees will not hurt anymore and I won’t need glasses.
My husband will be able to breathe freely.
Joy will have two perfect hands.
In heaven no one will struggle with mental issues.
You will never be depressed.
Your child will no longer battle addiction.
There is always plenty to eat and no food is off-limits in heaven.
You will never be lonely.
You will never fall in heaven – except to your knees in worship.
You will never face temptation and you will not have the urge to sin.
No one will hurt you or criticize you.
You will live in a place prepared especially for you by the Master Carpenter (John 14:2). And no bank will ever foreclose on it.
My mom and Dad and big brother will greet me and we will never be separated again. Mom and I will explore the most amazing flower gardens.
Your child who left way too soon will be there.
We will be reunited with dear friends.
I will finally meet Dorcas, whose name I share, and Ezra who inspired me to ministry, and Deborah who is just the coolest lady in the Bible.
Oh, and Jesus will be there. JESUS WILL BE THERE! I will see Him face-to-face. I will run into His arms and thank Him a thousand times for saving a wretch like me. And I will know that I am home forever.
There is a throne in heaven and on it sits the Lord God Almighty, the Eternal One, the Creator of all things (Rev. 4:1-11). A sea of people will gather around that throne in worship “from every nation tribe, people, and language. And the angels will be there worshipping (Rev. 7:9-10). And so will we.
It will be a place of extraordinary, unfathomable beauty. All things will be new – including heaven and earth (Rev. 21:1). And me and you. Beloved, hold fast to Jesus in this journey of life; the best is yet to be.
And so we say, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).