To Know Him is to Love Him

To know, know, know him is to love, love, love him
Just to see him smile make my life worthwhile
To know, know, know him is to love, love, love him
And I do.

Written by Phil Spector and first recorded by “The Teddy Bears,” this song hit the number-one spot in 1958. Through the years it was covered by many other artists and I bet as you read those lyrics, you were singing the melody. I know I did as I typed them. Do you remember those early days of love, when you just couldn’t get enough of your beloved? You wanted to spend every moment together, learning all you could about one another. What is her favorite flower? What is his favorite song? What makes her happy? What makes him laugh? Her fragrance was intoxicating. You hung on his every word. You became “a student” of the one you love, trying to discover all the wonderful things about them, like hunting for hidden treasures. It seemed that the more you knew about each other, the deeper your affection went.
Do you have the same desire to know and love God? Jesus said, “This is eternal life; that they may know you . . .“ (John 17:3). He also said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt 22:37). That’s not a casual Sunday-only relationship.
He is the greatest and deepest love you can ever know. Perhaps it never occurred to you that you can know God, but over and over His Word expresses His desire for us to know Him. The apostle Paul said God wants us to “seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him” (Acts 17:27) The same principle in our earthly relationships holds true in our relationship with God.
I have discovered that the more I come to know Him, the more I love Him and the more I love Him the more I want to know Him. Beloved, can there be any better pursuit for your life than to seek to know and love God? Not just know about Him, but know Him. In the Bible, the word “know” implies a level of intimacy that describes a marital relationship. It means there is nothing that comes between the husband and wife. It is deep. Committed. Unbreakable. Everlasting. That is the love God desires from us. “My heart says of You, “Seek His face!” Your face Lord, I will seek” (Psalm 27:8).

Sin and the Heart

This may surprise you, but I am a sinner. Yes, I belong to Jesus, He has saved me and redeemed me and continues every day to transform me into His image. He has done so much work in my life where sin is concerned. But like every other human being, I was born with a sinful nature and sinful desires. They may be different from the things that tug at you, but sin is a real and present danger for me.
How do we handle our bent toward sin? The Bible has some great advice for us. Here are a few suggestions:
Recognize sin for what it is and don’t make excuses or exceptions for it. (Psalm 51:3-4)
Keep God’s Word close – in your hands, in your mind, and in your heart. (Psalm 119:11)
Keep God closer. (James 4:7-8)
Keep sin-triggers at a distance. Don’t put yourself in positions you know will pull you into sin – whether places, events, movies, T.V. shows, websites, or even people. Take the way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Repent when you do sin. (Acts 3:19).
Repeat as often as necessary.
The prayer I find myself returning to again and again is: “Lord, cause me to love you so much that sin has no appeal to me.” I came to that prayer while meditating on Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart.” I realized that if God is my delight, then I will desire only Him – and that is a desire He is more than willing to fulfill.
Because it is all a matter of the heart. When the Bible speaks of the heart it is not talking about emotions but of intention. The heart is “the seat of the thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, and endeavors.” The heart is under our control. It is affected by what we indulge in – whether sin or righteousness. If God is the delight and desire of my heart, I will take no delight in sin and will instead be repulsed by it.
Yes, I have a long way to go, but this is my heart’s desire. Will it be yours too, Beloved? if you love God with all your heart there is no room in your heart to love sin.

Mountains and Valleys

A verse in Deuteronomy struck me yesterday. It is tucked in the commands Moses gave the Israelites just before they finally entered the Promised Land. He was telling them how good the land was, “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Deut 11:9). Verse 11 provided a powerful visual for me: “The land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.” I realized that mountains and valleys almost always develop together.
Mountains are glorious – tall, majestic peaks that seem to reach up to the heavens. They take our breath away with their beauty and grandeur. Men climb mountains and gaze in wonder at the world below them. Mountains inspire words of prose and songs of awe. My family visited North Carolina several years ago and when we hit the Smokey Mountains I was stunned by their beauty. I’ve seen part of the Rocky Mountains and they are beyond words.
I am sure you get where I’m going. Life is full of both mountains and valleys. And rain. We all want the mountain top experience, but nobody wants to go down into the valley. We want to scale the heights with the Lord. We want to gaze in awe and wonder from that high place. But the valley is where the rain soaks in and nurtures the ground so that there is growth and fruitfulness. Some of the most stunning flowers grow in the shade of the valley.
I have been through many valleys. The truth is, I am in one right now. But if my experience has taught me anything it is that the green pastures and the quiet waters are down in the valley (Psalm 23:1-2). The valley is where we learn to walk with God and trust Him day-by-day. It is where we can most clearly see God’s goodness and mercy (Psalm 23:6).
Here is something else that spoke to my heart. Moses said, “It [the Promised Land] is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it . . .” (Deut 11:12). David said, “Even though I walk through the valley . . . You are with me” (Psalm 23:4). God watches over His children in the valley – He walks with us and comforts us.
Yes, the valleys are hard, but that is where we grow closer to God. When you and I are in the valley, Beloved, let’s plant some seeds of faith and hope and watch them bloom.

Marvelous God

“The LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23).
When I am in a low season in my spirit God comes to me and lifts me up. He knows what I’ve been through the past year and He cares about the hurt and anxiety it has caused. He also knows that the cure for depression is not chocolate (believe me I’ve had plenty) or pasting a smile over my face. The answer to my weary heart is Him. It is turning my thoughts from myself and turning them to the Lord and how wonderful He is.
I look out my window this morning and see the sun brushing the sky with shades of pink and purple and I see the silhouette of the trees and hear the birds fill the air with praise and think, “LORD, You have done this, and it is marvelous in my eyes!” I look forward to picking up my granddaughter today to spend the week with us and I remember that a year ago I didn’t have any contact with her for several months and I think, “LORD, You have done this, and it is marvelous in my eyes!” I look at this pile of seminary books around me and ponder the opportunity to study and learn about His Word (for free!) and I think, “LORD, You have done this, and it is marvelous in my eyes!” I look at this sweet ministry of writing and teaching and remember when I had a breakdown and thought God could never again use this shattered woman and I think, “LORD, You have done this and it is marvelous in my eyes!” I look at my life, once lost in the pit of sin and the misery of my own foolish mistakes, now redeemed and full of hope and a future and eternal security, and I think, “LORD, You have done this and it is marvelous in my eyes!” And I look at the uncertainty of the future and think, “LORD, You will handle this and it will be marvelous!”
The Scriptures are replete with reminders to consider all that the Lord has done. It is the best way I know to recenter and refocus my mind and heart when life has delivered a hard blow. Beloved, what marvelous thing has God done in your life? Praise Him for it then trust Him to do it again.

Let’s Get Outta That Pit

I’m sitting in Psalm 69 this morning – David is struggling. So am I. He is overwhelmed. So am I. He feels like he is up to his neck in deep waters and sinking into the miry depths. He cannot get a foothold to climb out. He is worn out from calling and seeking help that never comes. He has done some foolish things that seem to have added to his desperate situation. All of this comes from a deep emotional place. I can relate to David this morning.
But here is where David and I differ. He instinctively turns to the Lord. Like a door on a hinge he says, “But I pray to you, O Lord, in the time of your favor; in your great love, O God, answer me with your sure salvation” (v. 13). He knows God’s character – He is sure of the Lord’s faithfulness and love. When the deep waters are closing in on him, he knows his God will not fail him.
I noticed something in this Psalm – David issues a series of pleas that almost sound like a barrage of demands. “Rescue me.” “Deliver me” (v. 14). “Answer me” (v. 16). “Redeem me” (v. 18). But a deeper look tells us that David is speaking from His heart to God’s heart. “O Lord, out of the goodness of Your love; in Your great mercy turn to me” (v. 16). David is appealing to Someone he knows well – someone he thinks about often.
My melancholy nature tends to focus on the pit rather than the Lord. My thoughts do not default to the Lord. I need to do with myself what I sometimes have to do with Joy when I take my hand and turn her little head toward what I want her to see. I need to turn my head – or rather my heart – to Philippians 4:8 and think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. In other words, I need to think about God.
Our thoughts control our feelings, and our feelings control everything else. I invite you to join me in a little exercise Beloved. Let’s write out Philippians 4:8 and put it where we can see it today and remind ourselves to turn our heads and our hearts to God. It’s the only way out of the pit and onto solid ground.

Give Me Jesus

I had some lovely praise and worship time this morning, thanks to a dear friend who posted some videos of songs that touched her heart. One of those songs was “Give Me Jesus.”. I remember the first time I heard it. I fell in love with it – and with the singer, Fernando Ortega. (I’ll post his beautiful version in the comments.) I loved his style of writing and singing. He was my personal worship leader.
But then my life got very busy when I started back to school. I was also working and serving at my church and caring for my family. I didn’t have – or perhaps I should say I didn’t make time for listening to my favorite musician. When we moved the CDs got packed up – and didn’t get unpacked. They weren’t a priority as I was still deep in seminary and eventually working again and along came a little girl who needed her Nana. Eventually, the box got shoved in a closet somewhere and I forgot about Fernando.
I believe that happens to us in our spiritual life too. We start out with Jesus – so in love and attentive to His word and His Spirit. We talk to Him – and about Him – at every opportunity. But then life happens and Jesus gets less and less of us. Work, family responsibilities, illness, a move, and of course, struggles, disappointments, life changes, and grief all work against our time with Jesus. Or maybe that’s just me.
All the things I’m doing are good in and of themselves. But if they draw me away from Jesus, they are not serving a good purpose. What’s the answer? I have to “Love the Lord [my] God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind and with all my strength” (Mark 12:30). He can’t just be my No. 1 priority. He has to be my only priority. He has to have all of me. Does that mean that I don’t tend to my other responsibilities? No, but it does mean that some things – maybe even good things – may have to get less of me so that Jesus can have more. I can think of several time-wasters that I can eliminate. That may be true for you too.
Beloved, when you “Delight yourself in the Lord He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). He will give you Himself.

Lord, I Need a Word

You know how I’ve told you that the Holy Spirit highlights certain Scriptures so I know that this is what I am to write about for the day? Well, it happened again. Verses are popping out this morning with one theme: the faithfulness of God. I need that assurance right now. Between time change, late nights studying, struggling to catch up at work, emotional battles, and a little girl who wants to push my every button, I am worn out – or better said – I am worn down. As I prepared to write, I told the Lord, “I need a word today for me – I’ll gladly share it, but I need something I can cling to today.”
First, the Spirit brought me to Psalm 37 – my “go-to” chapter when I am low. This is the verse: “If the Lord delights in a man’s way, He makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand” (v. 23-24). “Stumble” has a range of meanings, from being struck down, tripped up, or just lying down in exhaustion. I feel like I’ve been stumbling a lot lately – not stumbling into sin, but just stumbling through my days, trying to put one foot in front of another.
The second verse that the Spirit illuminated is Psalm 55:24: “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” Do you see the two words – the twin promises? I may stumble, but God will not let me fall. Fall in 37:24 means to be cast aside or thrown away. In this verse, it means to be greatly shaken. God will not cast me aside in my time of need and He will not let me be shaken. When everything around me – and in me – is shaking, nothing will shake me out of His strong hand.
What is the common denominator for both verses? No, not the fall. The Lord. The Lord upholds me when I can not hold myself up. The Lord will sustain me – with His “righteous right hand” (Is 41:10). The faithful Lord. The mighty Lord. The tender Lord who cares about me. And about you.
Beloved, I know that you are weary too. And so does He. This word is for me, but I’m not just sharing, I am delivering it personally to you too. His hand is big enough for all of us. Come rest a spell.

Doctrines of the Faith: God of Love; God of Power

We continue to look at the doctrines of the Christian faith, and the first matter we must settle is the reality of God. We have established His existence and His place as both Creator and Father. Today we will look deeper at God’s core characteristics in a verse from the pen of King David: “One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving” (Psalms 62:11-12).
I have pondered this verse for a long time and wondered what was the one thing that God said for David to draw his conclusion. I believe the Spirit has given me a clue that goes back to a burning bush in the wilderness. I want to suggest that David is speaking of God’s self-declaration. When Moses asked His Name, the Lord replied: “I AM.” ( Ex 3:14). That was it. But it was enough.
But how did David figure out two things from one statement? Experience. The same way you and I do. When he was surrounded by enemies, his God came in power. When his heart was breaking, his Lord was tender. We need a God who is both. A God who is benevolent but powerless is no help to us in our time of need. A God who is powerful but unfeeling breeds fear that drives us away from Him.
We need to know God as His Word describes Him and we need to respond to Him as He has revealed Himself. We must trust His love for us as our Heavenly Father. We must also trust that He is able to help us in our time of need. Many see God as see God only as harsh and uncaring, but that portrays Him as a mean-spirited ogre. Still others see Him only as a doting Father handing out blessings like candy. That makes Him into a one-dimensional entity. That is not the God of the Bible. The Lord God is all-loving, and He is all-powerful. Not in perfect balance, but in perfect fullness. We can come before Him boldly because we are convinced of His love for us, and we are persuaded that He can and will come to our aid.
Beloved you are in the most wonderful place today – supported by the arms of One who is so mighty and awesome, and who loves you with an everlasting and consuming love.

Spiritual Weakness

I am getting to the age where body parts hurt. I’ve been dealing with knee pain for over a year and my hip has decided to join the party. Now my wrist started hurting and typing these words this morning is painful. But I am a a mom and a nana so I refuse to let a few aches slow me down. I will pop a couple of ibuprofen and push through the pain. Pain I can handle. What I didn’t count on was weakness.
The reason my knee hurts is because of arthritis that has worn away the cartilage in my knee joint – the stuff that allows the knee to move freely. Without it, my knee locks up and stops me in my tracks. Carpel tunnel syndrome is affecting my wrist, elbow, and shoulder and those joints don’t function as they should. And now the pain is overpowering the meds. But I’m not trying to give you a rundown of my health issues. There is a point – a spiritual application – to all this.
Yesterday I came across a verse that is still bumping around in my head: “You may be sure your sin will find you out” (Num 32:23). Moses was warning some of the Israelites that if they failed to keep their word, their sin would not go unnoticed. Sin will always catch up with us and I have found that one way it tells on us is with weakness. Sin causes us to become spiritually weak, no matter how well we think we conceal it.
David said, “For when I kept silent [about his sin], my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night, your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer” (Ps 32:3-4). Sin saps our strength because it comes between us and God. Isaiah said, “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear” (Is 59:2). It is not that God turns His back on His disobedient child, but he turns His face – His favor – from us.
But David knew the answer. “I acknowledged my sin to you . . . and you forgave the guilt of my sin: (Ps 32:5). God turned His face back to David and restored his strength. Beloved, has sin drained you? Run to God in confession and repentance. He will receive and restore you. Remember, “The Joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh 8:10).

Do You Believe God?

Lately, whenever I “thumb through” my Bible the pages tend to fall open at the same spot – Psalm 106, just as they did this morning. As I read, two verses stand out – like a divine highlighter has marked them. I asked the Lord what He is saying and the Spirit said simply, “Believe.” And God’s message becomes crystal clear.
This Psalm is a “Salvation History” a retelling of Israel’s story – but from God’s perspective. The first verse reads:
“They believed His promises and sang His praises” (v. 12).
This is immediately after their rescue from Egypt through the dry bed of the Red Sea. Pharoah and his entire army were wiped out and they were safe at last. Their faith was on the mountaintop. For a moment.
Across the page the other verse sits in silent judgment:
“They did not believe His promise [and] they grumbled” (v. 24).
Do you see the juxtaposition? Do you see what the Spirit was saying? Everything hinges on believing God. Not just believing in God, as my grammar check says, but believing God. When we believe God, our hearts are filled with praise. When we believe God is who He says He is our spiritual eyes are open and we can see Him in His beauty and glory. And we cannot help but praise Him.
But when we do not believe God, our hearts are filled with bitterness and our spiritual eyes are darkened. We can only see our misery and all we want to do is grumble. Jesus said “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt 12:34). If your mouth is full of grumbling, your heart is full of . . . well, I think you can figure that out yourself.
Believe me when I say I’m not pointing fingers or calling anyone out. God sent this word to me first because I’ve seen the condition of my heart lately, and it is not pretty. My belief tank is getting low. So how do I believe God again?
I “take captive every thought and bring [my mind] into submission to Christ” (2 Cor 10:5)
I “renew my mind” by thinking about what is “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy” (Rom 12:2; Phil 4:8).
I “set my mind on what the Spirit desires” which is “life and peace” (Rom 8:5,6).
And I stop grumbling and start praising.
Beloved, do you believe God? Do your words show it? What will you do about it?