
It was so foggy one recent morning, I could only see a few feet in front of my car as I drove to work. Pea soup fog, the old folks called it. I drove with extra caution, especially at every intersection. It was very scary. I knew if I couldn’t see approaching cars, they couldn’t see me either. I made the turns as I remembered them. I couldn’t even see the campus until I was almost upon it. If I hadn’t been there before I would question whether the school existed at all because the fog was so heavy it hid the buildings. I had no visual proof that it was there.
As the sun got brighter, the fog around my campus burned away and everything was clearly visible. I saw the buildings. I saw students walking into their classrooms. I saw cars in the parking lots. I saw the lake down the hill with ducks splashing away. And I saw the chapel, that place where worship and the Word meet to encourage and challenge the BUF family. It was there all along; it had just been hidden.
God has called us to a place we cannot yet see. A place we’ve heard about, but never witnessed with our own eyes. A place that seems like a far-off dream. The fog of this world has hidden heaven from us and we wonder sometimes, as we travel through this wicked realm, if it’s really there at all.
Let me assure you – it is. Heaven is more real than this earth that will one day pass away and cease to be. Jesus promised, “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me” (Jn 14:2-3).
The Son of God is coming again, and when He appears in all His majesty and glory, He will burn away the fog of sin and death and we will behold our heavenly destination. We will see that everything the Lord said is true – has always been true – it was just hidden from our eyes.
Heaven is your forever dwelling place, Beloved. Don’t doubt God’s promise just because you can’t see it now. The fog will lift, the Son will shine, and you will be home.