In God’s Hands

Joy was walking around the living room last night with her eyes closed. “Joy, you need to open your eyes so you don’t trip over something,” I said. “My eyes weren’t closed, Nana,” she insisted, “I was looking through my fringes.” Fringes, in case you didn’t know, are eyelashes. Her eyes were opened just enough to “see” through her lashes, though not enough to look like they were opened. And not enough to actually see where she was going.
Joy’s “fringe vision” made me think of Paul’s words: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; then we shall see face to face” (1 Cor 13:12). Paul was saying we have imperfect knowledge and understanding. This world in which we live often leaves us confused and, let’s be honest, fearful. The more we try to figure things out the more uncertain life seems. I get it. I’ve been living in the “fringes” for the last year plus. Everything has been turned upside-down and inside-out. I thought God and I had a plan – I thought it was a good plan – but God has other ideas.
Job, in the midst of his painful trial, said we all live on the “outer fringe” of God’s works and ways (Job 26:14). The Hebrew translates to the “mere edges.” In other words, because He is so big and so other, we can’t see what God is up to. We don’t have His perspective. We can’t see “the end from the beginning.” But He can (Is 46:10). Not like a fortune teller who can “see” what will happen in the future. This is the sovereign God of the universe who determines the future and sets things in motion to achieve His plan. He said “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand” (Is 14:24).
I trust God’s plan. I trust that everything He purposes will be good because He is good. I trust that nothing – not one single thing – will touch my life that has not been filtered through His loving, gracious, merciful hands. Yes, even the hard things and the unexpected things and the things that break my heart. Because I trust His heart. And I know that the plan is ultimately to conform me to the likeness of Son.
Beloved, you and I may not see everything from the fringes of His hand, but we can trust Him nonetheless because – even at the edges – we are still in His hand.

Jesus Cares About All of You

Several years ago I came home from work to discover that someone had broken into our apartment. What they took was of little value but the one thing they stole that really mattered was my peace of mind. The next day I told a coworker about our ordeal. He said, “Be grateful no one can steal your salvation.” Honestly, I was annoyed that he dismissed my feelings so flippantly – and so “spiritually.” Of course I was grateful that my salvation was eternally secure, but was my relationship with Jesus only good for the next life? What about the days when my heart is hurting, when my body aches, when my nerves are frazzled, and my load is heavy? Do I face those days and seasons on my own?
Let’s ask the widow of Nain whose only son had died. Jesus encountered his funeral procession and his broken-hearted mother. Luke said, “When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, “Don’t cry.” He was moved deeply by this mother’s pain and He touched her heart before He touched the son’s coffin and raised him from the dead (see Luke 7:11-17).
When a great crowd of people stayed and listened to Him teach for several days, He was concerned for them. He told His disciples, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” He miraculously stretched a few loaves and fishes to feed more than four thousand people. He cared about their souls, and their empty bellies (see Matthew 15:29-39).
What would the leper say whom Jesus not only healed, but touched with His own holy hand (Matt 8:1-4). Or the centurion who came to Jesus to beg for healing for his servant? The man was made well by Jesus’ spoken word (Matt 8:5-13). How about Peter’s mother-in-law and a house full of sick and demon-possessed people who received healing? Ask the sick little girl and the sick old woman – Jesus ministered to both of them (Mark 5:21-43). All through the Gospels, He healed the physically blind, sick, and lame, comforted the hurting and marginalized, and ministered to the spiritually unwell.
Beloved, Jesus cares about you – all of you – body, soul, and spirit. He came to redeem and restore and He came to heal and comfort. Trust me when I say you can trust Him with your life – now and forever.

It’s okay to not be perfect

I never considered myself a perfectionist until I started back to school. Suddenly every assignment and every course had to be an “A.” The first B I got felt like a total failure. I expected to be perfect.

I find it interesting that while the Bible uses the word “perfect” just forty-two times, the word “good” appears more than six hundred times. After completing each day’s creative work, God examined what He had done and “saw that it was good.” In the original Hebrew, this means that God found His work “pleasing, favorable, and satisfactory.” Think about it – if God, at the zenith of His creative work, was content with “good” shouldn’t “good” be good enough for us?

There’s more: He promised a good land to the Israelites when they escaped Egyptian bondage (Ex 3:8). Jesus said the Father gives “good gifts” (Mat 7:11), He proclaimed the soil with the greatest harvest good (Luke 8:8) and Paul tells us to “overcome evil with good” (Rom 12:21) – not perfection. Even the Gospel that saves us is called “the Good News” (Acts 5:42). Why then are we trying so hard to be perfect?

God didn’t saddle us with this obsession for perfection – it was the enemy who planted that impossible seed. But we have watered and nurtured it until it has become a weed of gigantic proportions and, as weeds so often do, it has choked the life out of us and the “good works” we were created to do (Ephesians 2:10). It’s his way of keeping us distracted, dissatisfied, frustrated – and fruitless. Perfectionism will drive us to the point of exhaustion as we push ourselves to reach for an unreachable standard. Or, on the flip side, it will leave us in a state of paralysis, fearful of even attempting anything because we know we’ll never measure up. I’ve been both – and it’s no way to live. You and I will never pull off perfection this side of heaven. And that’s okay.

Only God is perfect and making you perfect is His work alone, through the blood of Jesus and the power of the Spirit. But you won’t see the perfectly finished product until you stand before Him in heaven. So hang all your perfectionist tendencies on Him and be free from that burden you were never meant to carry. Beloved, being good is good enough.

Dire Straits (no, not the rock band)

So it seems we are not done with 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. The Spirit “pressed” me to dig even deeper and He revealed some things to share with you. As I researched these verses one definition kept popping up: straits. Paul’s original audience would have caught it immediately.
We think of “straits” as extreme difficulty or hardship – as in “dire straits.” It is a very unpleasant place, a painful place, a hard place. I’ve been there and I suspect you have too. Sometimes it comes from someone else’s actions that crash into your life. Sometimes – at least for me – it often has my own fingerprints all over it. But it is often the consequences of living in this broken world.
Paul used the word when he said he was “hard-pressed (v. 8).” He was describing a “narrow, constricted place of great pressure.” You may recall from Geography that straits are those places between two land masses through which a channel of water runs – like the Strait of Gibraltar. It is a narrow strip that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates Europe from Africa by 7 nautical miles of ocean at the Strait’s narrowest point. It is an important shipping passage from one body of water to another. But it is difficult to navigate and easy to get into trouble.
Sounds like life, doesn’t it? Paul also used this word in Romans 5 when He said “We rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character hope” (v. 3-4). The straits are places of suffering. But they are also places of growth. Joy sometimes has “growing pains” because her muscles and ligaments are stretching and her bones are lengthening and it hurts. But she would remain in a little body forever without them.
Paul said that there is a purpose for the straits. They produce perseverance, character, and hope. How? Because God shows us His great faithfulness in the straits. He carries us through those narrow, hard-pressed places. Hear this this good promise: “Hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts . . .” (v. 5). The progression from pain to hope is a sign of spiritual growth. It’s what the straits are all about. If you’re being pressed today, Beloved, trust God to bring perseverance, character, and hope from it. Then sail on in the big sea of His love.

Wait for the Whole Story

By now you know that my favorite way to study the Bible is passage-by-passage, verse-by-verse, and even word-by-word. There is so much wealth in every word of Scripture. But I also want to consider the greater context so I pull back from the close-up of one word and see the bigger picture of the verse and then the passage. Pull back a little more and I can see how the passage fits into the theme of the section and even the entire book I’m studying. If I take this macro-vision even further I can see the bigger-bigger picture of the Old or New Testament and finally the whole Bible.
That’s also how you and I need to look at our lives. Right now, you may be dealing with something very difficult and all your attention is centered on this one thing in your life. It’s all you can see. You are hyper-focused on this single issue, person, or struggle. May I encourage you to pull back just a little and look for the bigger picture? This issue, person, or need is one word in one sentence of one paragraph on one page of your entire life story. But it isn’t your whole story. God has a much bigger picture in mind. The Bible tells stories of people who had a challenge—infertility, oppression, imprisonment, slavery, rejection, even lack of basic life necessities—and God moved in such a way that the resolution to their challenge became a much larger and more God-glorifying part of their story.
In my present season, I am resting my heart in Jesus’ words in the upper room: “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand” (John 13:7). When I want to say, “God I don’t get this; I can’t figure out why You allowed this to happen,” I hear Him say, “You can’t grasp it now child, but you will understand when you see the bigger picture.” Because there is a bigger picture. There is a higher purpose. I’m leaning on that with all my heart today.
Let’s give God our troubles, our struggles, our difficulties, and disappointments and watch Him unfold something we never imagined (check out Ephesians 3:20). Beloved, your life is so much more than this one moment. Trust the Author of your story, He has a beautiful ending in store for you.

Do You Believe the Bible?

Do you believe the Bible is the truth? The world will answer with a resounding “NO!” and I would expect no less. But I have heard and read many well-meaning (and often well-educated) religious people downplay what the Scriptures so plainly declare. They try to explain away clear text like the seven days of creation. They look for “logical” or “scientific” reasons for creation, the flood, the destruction of Jericho’s walls, or even the resurrection of Jesus. It is confusing at best and destructive at worst.
It’s not just the religious elite. It happens in the pews and the Sunday School classes –I heard a woman who had been in church most of her life say that Noah’s ark and Jonah’s whale were just fairy tales woven into the Bible – they didn’t really happen. If that is so, it begs the question, what else in the Bible didn’t really happen? Sadly, it even happens in the pulpit. I have heard pastors do a soft-shoe dance around clear teachings from the Bible condemning the culture’s favorite sins.
And I have even heard it from some of you. Oh, you believe the creation account, Noah’s ark, Jonah and the whale, and the glorious resurrection of Jesus. But you don’t believe God could never forgive all your sins. I see you, struggling under the weight of guilt and shame that Jesus left in the grave. I see you because I have been you.
And you doubt God’s love for you. Trust me when I say I used to feel the same way. Used to. Past tense. But then the Spirit gave me a revelation. If I am going to teach the faithfulness of God’s Word – if I proclaim that the Bible is true and trustworthy I must also believe when the Scripture says that God loves me with an everlasting, unfailing, never-ending, perfect, holy love. And so do you.
Above all I believe the Bible is true because of Jesus’ own words: “Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth” (John 17: 17). The Scriptures are trustworthy (Ps 8:28) – every jot and tittle. God’s Word cannot be true about some things and untrue about others. Beloved, you can rest yourself in the promise – God loves you. You can take Him at His Word.

Don’t Drift Away

Why are we so easily drawn away from what God has told us in His Word? How can we stay fast in our devotion to truth? I think I found a clue in the Book of Hebrews. It expands the devotional I wrote a week ago about listening to God. “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away” (Heb 2:1). Get your shovel – it’s time to dig!
The phrase “drift away” is one word in the Greek: pararreo – and it means to glide by, to be carried away, and you would use it to say something “slipped my mind.” We’ve all missed appointments because they slipped our minds. That’s why we jot them down on our calendars or put a reminder on our phones. Likewise, the writer was saying, don’t let the message of the gospel slip from your mind. That’s easy to do when life is hard, when tragedy strikes, when you’re weary. It’s easy to forget about the hope we have in Christ. It’s also easy to do when life is busy with work, school, kids, church, and a dozen other responsibilities.
What is the counter to drifting? “Pay careful attention.” These two words, perissoteros and prosecho, mean in great abundance, above all else and to hold or possess. Simply put, this means above every voice and every worldview, take hold of this gospel and let everything else go. That’s the key to not drifting away.
The message of the gospel is that Jesus is the Son of God – He is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being” (Heb. 1:3). In a world that says there is no God, or that God is whatever you want him to be, we need to get a firm and secure grip on the truth. In a world that is full of evil and darkness, where sin runs rampant and despair rules people’s lives, we need to wave the banner of the truth and the hope of the gospel.
Beloved, what are you paying careful attention to? The news? Social media? The opinions of others? They will only cause confusion and doubt. They will cause you to drift away. Let them go. Pay attention to the one truth that matters: Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died to save you and give you eternal life and hope for today. Beloved, hold on to that and never let go.

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the Lord

God doesn’t always do what I want Him to do. He doesn’t always answer my prayers according to my wishes or follow my well-laid-out plans. There are things I’ve prayed about for years that remain unresolved. Hard situations that haven’t magically gotten better. People I’ve laid at His feet over and over who get up and wander back into sin and self-destruction. What are we to do when – let’s call it what it really is – we’re disappointed with God? I know. It seems almost sacrilegious to say it, but if we’re not honest with God we will always be stuck with this gnawing sense that He can’t be trusted.
So what do we do when the doubts creep in? “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Two key things stand out to me. First: “trust” – it means to “have confidence in.” That’s pretty simple. But do you? Do you have confidence in God? Do you trust in His goodness, faithfulness, and love? Do you have confidence that He will always do what is right and best – even if what He does doesn’t meet your expectations?
Then – and this was huge to me – three words: “heart,” “understanding,” and “acknowledge.” The “heart” is the seat of our thoughts, emotions, and understanding. “Acknowledge” means to know, recognize, understand. Did you see the word “understand” all over this? “Understand” at its root – this is key – means “to consider with full attention.” There it is. When we lean on our own understanding – we are giving ourselves, our thoughts, and our emotions our full attention. But when we “trust in the Lord with all our heart” we give Him our full attention.
I don’t know about you, but I can easily drive myself into a rut of negativity. “God isn’t interested in your petty problems.” “He is angry at you.” “He is disappointed in you.” “You don’t deserve His help – you made this mess on your own.” You and I must continually bring our focus back to God and our thoughts back to Philippians 4:8. No, I’m not going to give it to you. Go look it up.
Beloved, where are you focusing your attention today? On yourself, on your emotions, on your problems, or on your God? He is your solid rock. He will never betray your confidence in Him. You really can “Trust in the Lord.”

Your Miracle is on the Way

You and I have the “Paul Harvey” version of the Scriptures – we know “the rest of the story.” But put yourself in the shoes of those who lived both sides of the biblical stories. Mark 9:17-27 introduces us to a very worried father whose son is under the control of a violent spirit. He stands before Jesus pleading, “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us” (Mark 9:22). Stay in the moment with this father as he sees Jesus turn to the child and speak with authority, “I command you to come out of him and never enter him again” (v. 25). Watch through his eyes as “the spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently, and came out” (v. 26).” “That’s awesome,” we think, but think again. “The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, ‘He’s dead.’” (v. 26). In the moment it appeared that Jesus had made everything worse.
Freeze this scene right here and consider how many times you and I have been in the same place. You brought your problem to Jesus in hopes that He would help you. You prayed and pleaded with Him hoping for a miracle. And what happened next? It all got worse instead of better. And so the questions start: “Did I pray wrong?” “Did God not hear me?” “Does He have something against me?” Now, in addition to our problem, we have all this anxiety and we’re wondering, “What just happened and what do I do now?”
“But Jesus . . .” these are the most precious words in the Bible to me. When it all seemed more hopeless than before, Mark said, “But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet” (v. 27). Wonder of wonders, the boy is not dead – he is alive – and healed!
My friend, may I remind you not to give up on Jesus before the miracle is complete. That moment when all seems lost, just as it was for this father, may be the moment before all is found. I am in the dark middle of a miracle in the making – the part where I’ve prayed and prayed, but the situation seems to be getting worse instead of better. Maybe you are too. Just as the father lived out his story in real time, you and I are also living out our story without the advantage of a written script that tells us how it all ends. But we have Jesus. We have the Miracle Worker. Beloved, let’s trust that His miracle is on the way.

No Other God

Camping on the theme from yesterday’s devotional about God’s rescue. We learn more about who God is and what can do when we are in the hard places than at any other time. At least that is true for me. Yes, I read the Bible every day and I study theology books and dig deeply in the Scriptures, but it is in the dark times that His glory and brilliance shine the brightest. But not only for you and me. When God comes to our rescue our family and friends and neighbors and coworkers and church family see Him too.
When Daniel, and his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were taken to Babylon, they left the temple behind, but God went with them. In Daniel 3 the three friends, now called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were faced with a challenge: bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image or face certain death. They chose to stand with God and the king was not happy. He said he would throw them into the fiery furnace and said, “Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?” (vs 15). If there ever was a set-up for God to show up and show off, this was it. Neb and all the officials of Babylon were about to see the power of the God of Israel.
You know the story – the boys did not bow and the furnace burned with the king’s fury. They were tossed in and greeted by a “fourth man.” None other but the Son of God. They emerged from that fire unscathed. The only thing that was burned away were the ropes that bound them and “there was no smell of fire on them” (v. 27).
The king and all his officials crowded around them and Nebuchadnezzar declared, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego . . . They trusted in Him and defiled the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.” He decreed that honor be given to their God, “for no other god can save in this way” (vv. 28-29). The Babylonians recognized the power and authority of God in the middle of the trio’s fiery trial.
Whatever your hard season Beloved, I know that God will come to your rescue and it will be amazing and the people around you will take notice. Let’s be people of faith so the world can say, “Only the Lord God can save in this way!”