Do You Know the Rest of the Christmas Story?

There’s part of the Christmas story that we tend to ignore. The dark part with a paranoid king and some wise men from afar. Matthew reports that the Magi followed a star they had seen in the east (2:2) and when they arrived in Jerusalem (2:1) they raised quite a stir looking for “the one who has been born king of the Jews” (2:2). Herod got wind of this and called for the visitors who reported that ancient prophecies (likely passed down from Daniel) said the child would be born in Bethlehem (2:5). Herod ordered the wise men to report back to him after they found the child – saying he, too, wanted to “worship” him (2:7-8).
But that was a lie. He wanted to kill him. He had a reputation for violence and murdered members of his own family whom he viewed as a threat. A Jewish baby was no match for this king. But Herod was no match for this Baby’s Father. The Magi were warned in a dream not to return to Herod (2:12) and the Lord sent an angel to warn Joseph who took his family and fled to Egypt (2:13-14). The king, in a rage, ordered the murder of all baby boys in Bethlehem two years and under to secure his throne – another clue to the timing of the Magi’s’ visit. (2:16-18).
But who was really behind Herod’s actions? Who planted that paranoia in his mind and murder in his heart? Who would have wanted this child dead more than Herod? Satan. Satan was behind every threat God’s people faced because he knew his destroyer would come from the Jewish nation. Herod was reenacting Pharoah’s hatred when he ordered the death of all Hebrew baby boys born in Egypt. But the Lord called two midwives, a believing mother and even Pharoah’s daughter to save the day (Ex 1:15-22; 2:1-10) . Satan enticed Haman to order the -annihilation of the Jews in Persian, but God used Esther to rescue His people (Esther). You see satan’s evil presence over and over in Scripture – but you also see God’s mighty hand preserving His people and His promise.
Satan is also part of the Christmas story, for the Holy Child in the manger was born to break the curse of evil. He was born to set men free from their sins (Romans 6:18). He was born to bring light and life where death and darkness reigned (John 1:4-5). He was born to set right what had gone horribly wrong (Romans 8:22-24). This little baby was the fulfillment of God’s promise, the seed that would crush the head of the enemy (Genesis 3:15). When this newborn baby’s cry pierced the silent night, all of hell trembled.

Best Friends

Yesterday Joy decided that she wanted things her way and Nana did not comply which resulted in a full-blown temper tantrum. They are few and far between these days, but when she hits one it is epic. We’ve learned in these moments to just let her get it out of her system and then she is usually okay. That proved true yesterday as she spent all her angst and afterwards, we resolved the issue calmly.

When the dust settled and we were snuggled in the rocker, she said, “Nana, do you think we can be best friends again?” Oh, how that wrenched my heart. I drew her extra close and said, “Sweetheart, you and I will always be best friends, no matter what. On good days and bad days and happy days and angry days. I will always, always, always love you.” She drew in a contented sigh and laid her head on my shoulder.

If that touched your heart, I have another story for you. It’s about God and a ragtag bunch of rebellious people. While Moses was on the mountaintop meeting with the Lord, the Israelites were down below worshiping a golden calf. The Lord was quite angry. So much so that he intended to withdraw Himself from their presence lest He “destroy you on the way” (Ex. 33:3).

Thank heavens for Moses, who intervened on behalf of the people and the Lord relented. Then Moses got bold. He said, “Now [please] show me Your glory” (v. 18). And wonder of wonders, He did. The Lord tucked him into the cleft of a rock, covered him with His hand, and as He passed by him, He “proclaimed His name, the Lord” (v. 5) and His nature: “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin” (34:6-7 – yes, there’s more and we’ll cover that later).  The Lord, who had every authority to destroy the rebellious Israelites instead declared his compassion, grace, patience, love, faithfulness, and forgiveness.

Have you sinned? Have you stomped your feet and told God “NO!”? Have you run from Him and fallen into a pit? Do you feel like God doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?  Don’t give in to those feelings. Ours is a God who loves to forgive and restore. Hear this loud and clear Beloved, you cannot make God stop loving you. You cannot make Him turn His back on you. No matter what you do, He is your best friend for life – and forever.

God Shows Up

God sent Moses to bring His people out of Egypt. Moses delivered the Lord’s demand: “Let my people go” (Ex 5:1). Pharoah retaliated by increasing the workload for the Israelites. When they could not keep up, they were beaten for failing to make quota. The situation was as bad as it could be for the Hebrews. The Israelites turned on Moses. Moses blamed God for the mess they were all in.

What was the Lord’s response? “Now you will see what I will do” (6:1)

Over and over and over in the Bible, we see situations turn dark and hopeless for God’s people – and then we see God show up and do what only He can do.

He shows up at the Red Sea.

He shows up at Jericho.

He shows up at the battle of Gibeon.

He shows up in the stories of Deborah and Jael, Gideon, Samson, and Ruth.

He shows up in Hannah’s prayer.

He shows up when David squares off against Goliath.

He shows up in every battle Israel faces.

He shows up in the widow’s jar of oil.

He shows up when Elisha and his servant are surrounded by Israel’s enemy.

He shows up in the fiery furnace and the lion’s den.

He shows up for Esther in Persia.

He shows up all throughout the Psalms.

He shows up in the belly of a whale.

He shows up in the eyes of the woman with the issue of blood and the parents of a dead little girl.

He shows up in a storm at sea, among crowds of hungry people, and in the faces of everyone who was healed, released, or raised by Jesus.

He shows up on an old wooden cross and an empty tomb.

He shows up in saints scattered by persecution.

He shows up in the face of Stephen as stones fly.

He shows up in Paul’s prison cell.

He shows up in Jesus’ final words: “I am coming soon.”

Some of us are sitting in hard places right now. We are grieving. We are hurting. We are tired. We are anxious. We are overwhelmed. We need God to show up and declare: “Now you will see what I will do.” I’m counting on Him with all my heart. You can too, Beloved, because God always shows up.

Child of the King

The Queen knew that her people were in danger and only the king – her husband – could undo the evil plan against them. But no one dared to approach the throne without a summons. Not even Esther. If she did, and it displeased him, she would be put to death. It was a risky proposition, but it was necessary. She prepared herself and put on her royal robes and when the king saw her standing in the court, he welcomed her. Esther’s bravery (and her God) saved the lives of all the Jews in Persia.

I’ve often envisioned myself standing outside the doors of God’s throne room, my heart hammering in my chest. I see myself dressed, not in royal robes, but in the torn, tattered rags of my sinfulness. I come with a heavy burden and a desperate need that is almost always the result of my own sin and foolishness. Do I dare push open that door and approach the holy and pure God of heaven and earth?

According to Hebrews 4:16, that is exactly what I am invited to do. The author said, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Heb 4:16). With these shakey knees? Yes. Because the confidence I have to come before God isn’t something inside of me, but it is because I am accepted in the blood of Jesus. While I see myself clothed in dirty rags, God sees me clothed in the righteousness of Christ. I see the mud of the world clinging to my hands, but God sees the “clean hands and pure heart” (Ps 24:4) of one who has been redeemed by His Son and cleansed from sin. I may see myself as a stumbling, sinful woman, but He sees me as His beloved child. Imagine that. I am a child of the King of the universe. Timothy Keller said: “The only person that dares wake up the king at 3:00 a.m. for a glass of water is his child. We have that kind of access.”

What do you need today? Encouragement? Hope? Provision? Healing? Help? Forgiveness? Peace? Joy? Your broken heart mended? Beloved, lift up your head and step into your Father’s presence. He will not only receive you but He will throw open His arms wide to you. That’s His promise. That’s your confidence. That’s your place as a child of God.

The Man (or Woman) God Uses

“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said, ‘Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?’” (2 Samuel 7:18).

Think you have nothing to offer to God and His kingdom? Do you believe that you’re too young or too old or have no gifts or talents? Sure you want to do great things for God, but you’re just a mom wiping dirty noses or a regular guy at a regular job, or a college student trying to get through finals. You’re in very good company, my friend!

A young woman had nothing to offer God but a loyal heart. She followed her mother-in-law home and did the most normal thing – she went out to gather grain to feed them both. But God interceded and Ruth became the great grandmother of God’s anointed King of Israel and part of the lineage of Jesus.

Esther had no influence in the politics of Persia – but she had courage. Because she stepped up and stepped into the King’s court, the Jewish people throughout the Persian empire were saved.

A young captive in a foreign land, Daniel had nothing of value. But he did have integrity. God used him to show His sovereignty and power to two of the greatest rulers in history: Nebuchadnezzar and Darius.

Jesus called twelve men from fishing boats and tax booths and used them to turn the entire world upside down.

Two women did what women throughout the ages have done – raised children and grandchildren. God used Lois and Eunice to shape young Timothy into the Apostle Paul’s right-hand man and true son in the faith.

You may not be in a position of importance, but you are important to the Kingdom of God. You may see yourself as small and insignificant or past your prime, and that’s just fine with Him. He likes to use the least likely people to accomplish the most amazing things. That way He gets all the glory.

If you think you have nothing of value to offer God, you’re wrong. You have yourself. That’s all He needs. He will take you and use you in the most ordinary – and yet extraordinary – ways. I’m living proof of that. Beloved, He’s got an important task, and you’re just the person He’s been looking for. Just be available and watch Him work.

Stuff I’ve Learned in My Life

I’ll admit, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. The running joke in my family was, “Dorcas is so dumb that . . .” and then add a punchline. I believed it for a long time. I’m sixty+ now, and I’ve learned a thing or two along the way. Like, don’t try to sneak off at midnight on a bike with a leaky tire. Don’t get so caught up in an audiobook that you run a red light and T-bone another car. Don’t abuse credit cards. Don’t let your mom brush your hair when’s she mad. Don’t eat junk for forty years and think it won’t come back to haunt you. I’ve learned that true friends are the second rarest gems on earth. Grandchildren are the first. I’ve learned that wisdom usually comes with scars and kindness can change almost every situation. I’ve learned that being fulfilled is more valuable than a fat paycheck. Those are lessons I learned just living my life.

But the Bible has been my greatest teacher. Through Abraham, I learned to trust God even when His promises look impossible (Gen 15). I learned from Joshua’s story that God will never leave me nor forsake me (Josh 1:5) From Gideon – God sees me as the person He created me to be, not the loser I think I am (Jud 6). I found my calling in Ezra: to study the Word, obey the Word, and teach the Word (Ezra 7:10). I’ve learned to not judge others from Job, to confess my sins from David, and Daniel taught me to stand firm in my faith despite the whims of the world. Jonah taught me that I can’t run from God, and Zechariah told me where to look for the return of Christ (Zech 14:4).

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John told me about my greatest love, Jesus, who died to save me. Acts taught me the power of the Holy Spirit and Dorcas taught me the power of helping others (Acts 9). Peter taught me about forgiveness, Paul taught me about righteousness, and Mary taught me about humility. Revelation taught me that God wins.

Of all the things I’ve learned the one I most want to leave you with is this: God loves you. Yes, you. He loves you with an everlasting, never-failing, unshakable,  eternal, perfect, holy love. That, Beloved, is the most important thing you need to know.

The God of the Bible

We’re New Testament Christians – why should we read the Old Testament? What good does it do me to study old laws and rituals? Why should I learn about people so far removed from my own life? Because we don’t study the Bible to learn about laws and rituals and long-dead people – we study the Bible to learn about and draw hope from God. I am in a group that is writing through the Bible, we’ve been mired in Job for months. Lots of misery and grumbling and arguing. But by slowing down the pace and paying attention to the text, we’ve come to understand Job – and God – from a whole new perspective.

Paul said, “Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (Romans 15:4). He’s talking about the Old Testament. When I am discouraged, I go to the stories of God’s deliverance in Exodus. When my life has fallen apart I turn to Nehemiah where God enabled His people to rebuild the broken-down walls. When I face a frightening situation Esther is my go-to book as I remember how God rescued His people. And when the world looms dark and evil, I turn to Daniel and witness God’s sovereign control over human events.

The Old Testament is filled with evidence of God’s power, purpose, love, and faithfulness. The same power, purpose, love, and faithfulness is found in the New Testament and in my life two-thousand plus years later. In the Old Testament, I find the God who delivered Israel, rebuilt Jerusalem, and rescued the Jews. In the New Testament, I see the same God who delivered mankind, broke the bonds of sin and death, and changed the world. He is the same God I call to in this present season of struggle. I know He is able to do for me today all that He did then. I put my name in those verses of rescue and promise and the God of the Hebrew people, of Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel becomes the God of Dorcas Elizabeth. He hasn’t forgotten how to rescue and restore. His power hasn’t diminished one bit. This God is your God too if you have trusted in Jesus. Beloved, get to know the God of the whole Bible. Get to know the God of your life.

Hebrews: Cheerful Courage

As I was studying Hebrews 10:19-25, the next Hebrews passage, one word caught my attention.  “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus . . .” (Heb 10:19). This passage has a lot to say to us, far more than just one word, but when the Holy Spirit draws my focus with a divine highlighter, I’ve learned to pay attention.   The word is “confidence,” and no, the writer isn’t talking about “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities” (Google’s definition). The word he used in this context means “boldness, freedom in speaking.”  It always brings the story of Esther to mind.

Esther was a Jewish girl living in Susa, a province of Persia. The king of Susa had fallen in love with Esther and taken her to be his queen, but she hid her Jewish identity, as her people were not very popular in the region. In fact, they were so disliked that one of the king’s aides decided all the Jews in Susa should be killed in a mass extermination. The king put his “stamp of approval” on this heinous plan. Esther’s uncle begged with her to go to the king and plead for the lives of her people. But she knew that any person who approached the king in his inner court will be put to death unless the king extends his scepter as a sign of acceptance. Even his wife. Esther swallowed her fear and, dressed in her finest, walked across the palace’s marble floors and into the king’s presence. As God would have it, the king accepted Esther and she was (eventually) able to make her request.

There wasn’t anything in Esther that made her bold and confident, it was the God whose mission she had accepted, which brings me to the other definition for the word confidence: “cheerful courage.” Now I have had to do some very hard things that required a lot of courage and I pressed on into it, but it was “suck-it-up” courage and my knees were knocking. There was nothing cheerful about it. So how can I – as a sinful woman – have cheerful confidence to enter into the very dwelling place of God? Only by the blood of Jesus.

As we sang in worship yesterday, “There to my heart was the blood applied – glory to His name!”