My Eyes Are on You

I am speaking straight from my heart this morning. I need the Lord. Desperately. I need His peace and comfort. I need His strength. And I need His wisdom. The chasm in my family is growing wider and deeper. I don’t know what to do.

But I have a verse (you knew I did, didn’t you). 2 Chronicles 20 tells of fierce and frightening warfare against God’s people. The report comes to Judah’s King Jehoshaphat, “A vast army is coming against you. . . .” (v. 2).  War was coming to his house – just as it has come to mine. But Jehoshaphat didn’t rally his army in response – he did something wiser: “Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord” (v. 3). He prayed: “O our God, we do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You” (v. 12).

That’s my answer: take it all to the Lord and keep my eyes on Him. Oh, I know that sounds simple, but it’s hard to do when chaos reigns and we face impossible situations. It’s especially hard to do when your eyes are blurred with tears. Or when you’re trying to walk on water in a storm. But it’s the best advice you and I will ever hear.

It’s where I am right now. I can either drive myself crazy with worry and frustration, or I can keep my eyes on the Lord and watch for Him to work. Because He will. He sure came through for the people of Judah. The prophet told the king, “The battle is not yours, but God’s” (v. 15). And God wiped out the enemy as the people sang and praised Him. They never had to lift a sword.

That’s the God I need over my impossible situation. That’s the God who can reach where I cannot. That’s the God who can work where I am helpless. That’s the God who says “Nothing is too hard for Me.” Including heads and hearts.

Beloved, do you have a hard thing or a hard person? Are you at a loss as to what to do? Tell God about it, then keep your eyes on Him and you will witness the power and might of the Lord. That’s what – or Who I’m counting on with all my heart and soul and mind and strength.

2 thoughts on “My Eyes Are on You

  1. Beth, once again we are on the same page. I am currently dealing with some difficult family situations as well. It is so difficult when you can’t fix the problem but thank you for this reminder to always take our needs and heartfelt desires to the Lord. It’s so important for us to do that and for us to leave them there so that he can do his mighty work. Thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you for always blessing me! I pray that God will give you his perfect peace today and that you will know no matter what you’re going through, that the Lord is right there with you. He sees and knows your heart. Bonnie Annis

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