Acts: Holy Spirit Fire

If you’ve been paying attention lately, there is a mighty move of the Holy Spirit afoot in the world today. The reports coming out of Asbury University in Lexington, Kentucky are breathtaking and powerful. Pilgrims from around the US are flocking to Hughes Auditorium where a revival has broken out. A group of students decided to stay after the regular chapel service for a time of worship. Six days later (at this writing) the worship continues and shows no signs of letting up. Social media has turned it into a worldwide phenomenon. It’s not the first time that the Spirit has infiltrated Asbury – a two-week-long revival service occurred there in 1970. Christians across the globe are ecstatic that the Lord is still showing up and showing off.

What will God do as a result of this divine event? Heaven only knows. The first Holy Spirit revival turned the world upside down. After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, His followers gathered together in prayer, and the Lord answered in an awesome way. Acts 2 is the account of the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost. I appreciate John Polhill’s assessment of the scene, calling it “the great outburst of the Spirit.”[1] Pentecost was one of the three great harvest festivals of Judaism. It fell exactly fifty days after Passover before the Feast of Tabernacles. Pentecost was the celebration of the Firstfruits or the offering from the wheat harvest. It was one of the most popular festivals and brought many Jews and God-fearing Gentiles to Jerusalem.

It was the perfect time for a mighty display of the Holy Spirit that could not be ignored. And so He came. He came with the sound of a violent wind. He came with the vision of tongues of fire. He came with audible speech in languages that spoke to the foreign visitors in the city; one message declaring the wonders of God to the world. They took the message back home with them and spread the story of God far and wide.

The church was born at Pentecost. Perhaps the church is being “born again” in our day at Asbury. Maybe God is preparing His people for another mighty move of His Spirit in the world. Beloved, let’s not miss the opportunity to be part of it.

[1]. John B. Polhill, The New American Commentary: Vol. 26:Acts (Nashville, Broadman & Holman, 1992), 95.