
It was more than forty years and a lifetime ago that I had a personal, intimate encounter with a star. Every fall our community in southeast Alabama celebrates the peanut farming industry. We hold a huge fair and at the end of the week is the Peanut Festival Parade. The lowly peanut is a big deal in this part of the nation. One year the guest marshal was actor Terrance Knox (St. Elsewhere). As he rode past the spot where my family was watching, he turned in my direction and waved – and winked. I was only a teenager, but I knew it was meant just for me. The crowd disappeared as we shared our special moment before he was whisked away. It was all I talked and dreamed about for months.
I used to be so “star-struck,” in my younger days. I bought every Tiger Beat magazine that hit the racks and kept scrapbooks of Donny Osmond, John Denver, Barry Manilow, Elton John, John Travolta, and Christopher Reeve. I wanted to be as glamorous and popular as Olivia Newton-John, Sally Field, and Princess Diana. But that was before I encountered Someone far greater than human celebrity and royalty. Now I personally and intimately know the King of kings. His name is Jesus. He leaves all the powerful, glamorous, wealthy people of this world in the dust. Not only do I know Him, but He knows me – and He tells me every day that He loves me. I don’t just have a scrapbook with His pictures, I have a book filled with personal love letters from Him. He claims me not just as an acquaintance, but as a friend. His Father, the Creator of the Universe has adopted me as His child. How could mere earthly kings and queens, rock stars, athletes, and actors turn my head? He’s the real Star! Terrance Knox may never remember me, but my Jesus will never forget me.
Do you know Him? Do you know the King of kings and Lord of lords? Do you know the Son of God? You don’t have to stand on the edge of the street to catch a glimpse of Him, He will come to you and claim you as His own. Beloved, He is the most important, most wonderful Someone you can ever know. Don’t miss Him!

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