When You’ve Made a Mess of Your Life

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Ever seen your fingerprints all over the mess in your life? You’re in good company.  Psalm 107 tells of people who wandered into trouble, who rebelled against God and were prisoners of their sin, or in danger and “at their wits’ end” (v. 27) because of their foolish and selfish actions. In every case, they had no one to blame but themselves. They were suffering the consequences of their actions. Sound familiar? But the Psalmist says that God heard their cries and came to their rescue. He led the wanderers “by a straight way to a city where they could settle” (V. 7). He brought the prisoners “out of their darkness and gloom and broke away their chains” (v. 14). He “stilled the storm . .  and guided them to their desired haven” (v. 29, 30). Even when their distress was self-made, God answered their cries for help.  He did it all because of “His unfailing love” (v. 8, 15, 21, 31).

The God of Psalm 107 is listening to your cries. Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, and however you go there, God hears you. Even in your lostness, your captivity, your disappointment, your mess, your failure, your sin – God is listening. ‘Despite your circumstance and all appearances, He has not abandoned you.”

This is why Jesus came. Romans 5:8 says “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” While we were without hope. While we were suffering the consequences of our actions. While we are in our miserable state, Christ came with the promise of healing and redemption and eternal life.  Check this out: in Hebrew, “ah” was the root word for “the Lord.” A name that ended in “ah” always referenced the Lord. Jesus is the Messiah. Do you see it? Jesus is Lord (ah) over the mess (Mess) I (i) made of my life.

In your hard circumstances where all hope is lost, God promises His rescue. Not after you untangle yourself from your messes. But while you are in the middle of it, in places you never thought you would be, Beloved, God is near and He is listening. Give your mess to Jesus Messiah.