One-Word Prayer

There is a page in my prayer journal with a one-word entry. It just says “Father.” That’s all I could manage. The pain and anxiety are deep and heavy in this season and this word nerd, Bible teacher, writer sometimes can’t find the words to convey what’s on my heart. I know I am not alone. I read your posts. I hear your sighs. And so does your Heavenly Father.

A dear friend reminded me recently of Romans 8:26-27: “The Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”

These verses are such a balm to my overwhelmed heart. When I cannot find the words, the Spirit is praying to the Father for me. He knows what’s on my heart, and even more importantly, He knows the Father’s heart. He knows the Father’s will in my situation and He prays to that end. The Greek word used here for “groans” comes from the root word meaning “narrow.” Picture it: the Spirit takes the jumbled, swirling cacophony of voices and hurts and issues and concerns and worries and anxieties and narrows them down to the core – and He takes that to the Father. It reminds me of when my mom would untangle the mess I made with my yarn, carefully working it through the wadded-up ball until she released the one loose end that freed the rest. The Spirit is our own personal interpreter, taking this gibberish language that we speak and translating it into the language of God’s perfect wisdom. And all the while He is speaking back into my heart the words of the Father – words of compassion, tenderness, encouragement, and hope. You know what this tells me? I don’t have to have the right words or to wax eloquent in speaking to my Father. God just wants me to tell Him whatever is on my heart in whatever way it comes out and then trust the Spirit to sift through it all and take the heart of my heart before the Father.

What’s on your heart today, Beloved? God is listening. Even if all that comes out is His Name – it is enough.

Tangled Prayers

There have been times in my life – even recently – when I was overwhelmed with pain and confusion and frustration. My heart was broken and when I tried to pray my mind was awhirl with a thousand thoughts going this way and that. It was like a hundred different voices all speaking at once in my head. I couldn’t shut them up long enough to get a word in edgewise. I know you’ve been there too. I’ve read your posts and we’ve had some deep conversations. When chaos surrounds us it affects our ability to think and to pray.

But that doesn’t mean that God isn’t hearing our prayers. Listen to Paul’s words: “The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will” (Romans 8:26-27)

This verse promises that the Holy Spirit is praying for us when we cannot pray for ourselves. The Greek word for “groans” finds its root in the word stenos – which means “to narrow.” The image in this passage is of the Holy Spirit sorting through the jumble of thoughts and feelings to pull out the thin, narrow strand of truth from our hearts. From that small filament, He weaves a tapestry of prayer to present to the Father. All you and I need to do is pour it all out and let the Spirit, who knows both our hearts and God’s will, sift out the prayer our lips can’t express.

Beloved, you don’t have to filter your heart when you come to God in prayer. You don’t have to have your thoughts and feelings organized – you don’t even have to know what you should pray for. That is why Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit. Let Him do the sorting and sifting – He’ll find the golden thread of your heart’s prayer and carry it to the Father.