When All You Can Do is Pray

I have no other recourse, no way to change the situation, it is out of my hands. All I can do now is pray. Ever been there? Whether it is a health issue, a financial struggle, a strained relationship, a prodigal child, or any number of trials – life often hands us things that are out of our control and even out of our physical reach. I am there. And it is a hard place to be.
It’s hard because I want to see positive change but the thing is going in the opposite direction. The divide grows wider and wider. It is so hard to keep a hopeful attitude. That is when I go back to those “But God” statements in the Bible. “But God can . . .” “But God will . . .” But God did . . .” Give a baby to an old man and woman. Part the sea. Bring down the walls. Send the enemy running. Take down the giant. Feed the multitudes. Heal the sick. Raise the dead. Cast out demons. Luke said, “Nothing is impossible with God” (Lk 1:37). While I wait and pray I keep that promise before me.
It’s hard because my nature is to “do something.” I tend to mettle and prolong the problem. Oh, if I would only heed Samuel’s words, “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!” (1 Sam 12:16). David echoed the prophet’s words: “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret . . .” (Ps 37:7). I am a natural-born fretter – I come from a long line of fretters. Fretting is in my DNA. But I must walk in the Spirit, not in my nature.
Here’s what you and I need to take to heart. When there is nothing left to do but pray, friend we are in the most powerful position there is. When Peter was in prison there was nothing his friends could do for him. He was set for execution and surrounded by sixteen Roman guards, but the church met to pray earnestly for their brother. The Lord sent an angel who walked Pete past those guards and through the open gate to freedom (Acts 12:5-17).
If all you can do is pray Beloved, don’t despair because you have the ear of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth. And He answers prayer.

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