Not a Fan of Jesus

Celebrity is a fickle thing. One day you’re everyone’s favorite, the next day you’re old news. Last year you were on the cover of People magazine, this year your name is buried on the back page of the local newspaper. Celebrities live and die by their fans.
Jesus had many fans. People flocked to Him and hung on His every word. They lined the streets when He came through town and jostled one another to walk nearest to Him. I am not a fan of Jesus. Before you count me out as a heretic, let me tell you who I am.
I am a follower of Jesus (Mat 4:19). Yes, I want to be near Him, but not for some thrill. I want to be in His presence because He is peace. He is hope. He is wisdom and power. And He is Life.
I am a servant of Jesus. Paul identified himself as a “bondservant of Christ Jesus” (Phil 1:1). The purpose of my life is to do the will of Jesus. To serve Him by serving others.
I am a disciple of Jesus (Jn 8:31). He is my Teacher (Jn 13:13). He teaches me how to walk in righteousness. He teaches me about the Kingdom of God and how to go to heaven. And He alone can teach me who God is because He is God.
I am a friend of Jesus (Jn 15:14). Fans are not often friends. Fans are there for the show. Friends are there after the show. I am so happy to go to His house on Sunday, but I also love just spending time with Him Monday – Saturday in His Word and through His Spirit.
I am a witness of Jesus (Acts 1:8). Jesus saved me, redeemed my life, and gave me a place with Him in heaven. He died so that I would live. I want to tell the world about my Jesus.
I am a worshipper of Jesus (Jn 4:24). I will spend the rest of my life and all eternity giving Him the praise and honor He deserves.
To be a fan of Jesus falls far short of what He deserves. And it falls far short of what He desires for you. Beloved, don’t just be an admirer of Jesus. Be His follower and servant and disciple and friend and witness and worshipper. Be all in with Jesus – because He went all in for you.

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