When Jesus Prays for Me

I am blessed with praying friends and family. I don’t think I would have survived the struggles and trials of my life – especially the past fifteen months – without them. I have had friends pray over me at my job, over the phone, in a store, at church, in Sunday School, in the car, over coffee and tears, and by text. A praying friend is one of God’s sweetest gifts. But my friends are not the only ones praying for me. My Jesus is too.
At their last supper, on the day of Unleavened Bread, Jesus announced that one of them would betray Him. As they questioned themselves, a dispute arose as to which one of them could be considered the greatest of His disciples. The text doesn’t say that Peter put himself on that pedestal, but Jesus’ words hint at it. The Lord told him, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31). The “you” in this verse in plural – meaning satan wanted to sift the whole lot of them.
But Jesus singled out Simon for the sifting process. Why? Because there were unspiritual things in Simon Peter that needed to go – like pride – before Pete could be the witness Jesus intended for him to be. God will not allow pride to fester in His servants.
Look at the next verse, “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail” (v. 32). Jesus gave satan permission to press Peter, but for His own purposes, and He covered Him with prayer through it all. Jesus knew exactly what Peter would face and He knew it would break His friend. But He also knew that He could restore Peter and shape him into a mighty man of God – without that crippling pride.
I take great comfort in this. First that everything – good, hard, and heartbreaking – comes to me through His sovereign hands. If He allows it, it must be for a bigger purpose than I can see in the moment. And all His purposes are good and right. And then I take to heart that my Jesus is praying for me. He is praying that my faith – “which is of great worthy than gold” will not fail (1 Pet 1:7).
I am in the hardest season of my life – maybe you are too. Beloved, you and I can rest in the hands of God and the prayers of Jesus. Because the Father always hears the prayers of His Son.

2 thoughts on “When Jesus Prays for Me

  1. Powerful truths, Beth. Thank you. This is a very timely message for me too as I’m going through several difficult health challenges.

    Though we’ve never met, I feel like we’re dear friends. I am so thankful for you and I’m praying for you in this challenging season.

    His grace is sufficient for us!!!

    I have written this in permanent marker on the whiteboard on my refrigerator. I thought it might speak to your heart today as well so I’m going to share it:

    Make me, your servant, to rejoiceO Lord. For to You do I lift myself up.” Psalm 86:4

    Every year, I pray and ask God to give me a word to focus on for the year. This year the word He gave me was joy. Since the beginning of the year I have had one major health challenge after another and have been in the hospital two times, endured to surgeries and have one more to go. How do you find joy in situations like that you may ask? I’ll admit it’s been extremely difficult but as I continue to focus on my Savior, He makes a way.

    Don’t lose heart! He has promised never to leave or forsake us. Even when it feels like He’s not there beside you, He is!

    You are His precious daughter! He loves you more than you could ever imagine. That should give us enough to hold on to you and to find joy in!

    I know your daughter’s name is Joy. My adopted sister’s name is Joy. Isn’t it funny how God has given us both reminders of the importance of joy?

    I hope you have a blessed day and I am truly grateful for you and all of the wonderful devotionals you share!


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    • Bonnie, thank you for your sweet words of encouragement and for sharing your struggles with me. I will be praying for you and you health issues. God uses all sorts of ways to draw us closer and more dependent on Him – health issues or family issues or financial issues – and on and on. But He is forever faithful.

      I am so grateful He has built a connection between us and we can be mutual encouragers. And yes, my precious granddaughter’s name is a constant reminder of His goodness and grace to me – which is a source of Joy, indeed!

      God bless you today and thank you again for your kind words and encouragement.


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