The Inheritance

An inheritance is something that is given from one generation to another at the passing of the elder. It is the accumulation of one’s life and material worth. I inherited my mom’s Bible and some of my dad’s military keepsakes. They are treasures to me.
Just before His death, the Lord Jesus shared the inheritance He was leaving His followers – His disciples then and now. They are found in his prayer in John 17. I love this prayer so much because it reveals the heart of my Savior. I encourage you to sit with your Bible and soak up these words. You need to know what Jesus has given you as a believer.
Jesus has given you eternal life (v. 2). What does that mean? “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent” (v. 3). Eternal life is an intimate and everlasting union with the God of heaven and earth. Not just head knowledge, but knowledge of the heart – which is the revelation of God found in verse 6.
He has given us the words – rema – the message the Father gave Him (v. 8). Because He was and is one with His Father – everything He said came from above. His words are full of grace and truth and righteousness and life. He has also given us the Word – the Logos – of the Father (v. 14) – that is Himself. He is the living Word –of the Father (Jn. 1:1; 14) and the purpose of all creation. (That’s a big dig for another day.)
He has given us Joy – but not just any Joy – His Joy: “ . . . that they may have the full measure of my Joy within them” (v. 13). A Joy that “no one will take away” (v. 22). That speaks to my heart in a special way right now.
And get this – Jesus has also given us His glory. Why? “That they [meaning all believers] would be one as we [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] are one” (v. 22). That is beyond our finite comprehension.
Eternal life. The words and The Word of God. Joy. Glory. What an inheritance!
But Jesus also gained an inheritance of sorts – us (vs. 2, 6, 9, 24) – “those who will believe in [Him]” (v. 20). Do you understand that you are a gift from the Father to His Son? Beloved you have been chosen and received – now receive all that Christ has for you.

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